Payward v. Chechetkin: Is Arbitration Suitable for Crypto-related Disputes? (2024)
"Writing" under the CISG and the Electronic Communications Convention (2022)
“Double Hatting” under Med- Arb: A Comparative Analysis (2021)
International Sales Contracts in Times of Global Crises (2020)
Can the Singapore Convention and ODR “Rescue” International Businesses in Dire Times? (2020)
What is the Best Dispute Resolution Mechanism for International Sales Contracts? (2020)
Will the California Consumer Data Privacy Act Affect Your Business? (2019)
A Global Initiative for Certification of Corporate Sustainability (2016)
How the Banking Industry Could Shape the Future for Corporate Sustainability (2016)
Prohibition of Self- dealing by the Board of Directors in Corporations (2013) (in Turkish)
Representation in Private International Law (2009) (in Turkish)